Title IX FAQ

Does information about a Complainant remain private?

性行为不端的投诉人的所有当事人的隐私都必须得到尊重; 除非它妨碍了学院进行全面调查的义务 allegations of sexual misconduct. Where privacy is not strictly kept, it will still be tightly controlled on a need-to-know basis. Dissemination of information and/or 向与投诉或调查程序无关的人员提供的书面材料 is not permitted. 侵犯投诉人或被投诉人的隐私可能导致 to action by the College. In all complaints of sexual misconduct, all parties will be informed of the outcome. In some instances, the administration also may choose 对违法行为的性质和行为作出简短的公告 在不使用被指控投诉人的姓名或可识别信息的情况下采取的 or Respondent. 某些大学的管理人员被告知结果 bounds of student privacy (e.g., College President, Vice President of Student Services, 学生服务主任、安全主管和第九条协调员). If there 是向学院职员举报涉嫌性行为不端的个案,以及 有证据表明发生了重罪,将通知执法部门. This 并不意味着会自动提出指控或投诉人必须发言 与执法部门联系,但法律要求学院通知执法部门 authorities. 学院还必须统计报告校园内发生的 校园年度报告中的重大暴力犯罪,包括某些性犯罪 crime statistics. 本统计报告不包括个人身份 information.

Will my parents or other family members find out?

No, not unless you tell them. Whether you are the Complainant or the Respondent, the 大学的主要关系是学生,而不是家长. However, 在发生重大医学、学科或学术诚信问题时,学生是强烈的 encouraged to inform their parent, guardian, or next of kin. College officials may 直接与父母,监护人或近亲交谈时,要求这样做 处于生命危险的学生,或者被指控的学生签署了 release of records to allow for such communication.

Will the Respondent know my identity?

Yes, if you file a formal complaint. Sexual misconduct is a serious offense and the Respondent has the right to know the identity of the Complainant.

Do I have to name the Respondent?

Yes, if you want an investigation to take place. Complainants should be aware that 不指明被调查者可能会限制该机构作出回应或调查的能力 accordingly.

What do I do if I am accused of sexual misconduct?

DO NOT contact the alleged Complainant. You are encouraged to contact an employee at the College who can act as your advisor. You may also contact the Office of the 学生服务副主席,请他解释学院的政策和 procedures for addressing sexual misconduct complaints. You may also want to talk to a confidential counselor in the Student Health & Wellness Center or seek other community assistance. See below regarding legal representation.


Not typically, if the College provides these services already. If a Complainant is 获得社区和非机构服务,支付这些服务将 通常由学生承担费用,并受州或地方法律的约束, insurance requirements, etc.

What about legal advice?

投诉人或被告不需要聘请私人律师提交投诉书 or to have an investigation initiated. However, the Complainant or the Respondent may retain an attorney at any time. The Complainant or Respondent may retain counsel 如果他们决定需要ag体育犯罪的法律建议,费用自理 prosecution and/or college proceeding.

What should I do about preserving evidence of a sexual assault?

执法部门处于确保犯罪证据的最佳位置. Physical evidence 必须在120小时内向被指控的投诉人收集有关性侵犯的资料, 虽然证据通常可以从毛巾、床单、衣服等上获得. for much longer periods. 如果你认为你是性侵犯的受害者,你应该这样做 打电话给性侵犯发生地的执法机构. Law enforcement 会陪你去附近的急救医院就医吗. In order 为了保存证据,你不应该洗自己或衣服. The Sexual Assault 医院的检查护士(受过专门训练的护士)通常24小时随叫随到 每天,每周7天(如果你首先想和护士说话,打电话给急诊室; ER will refer you). 受害者辩护律师也可以陪你去医院和执法部门 can provide transportation. If a Complainant goes to the hospital, local law enforcement 会被联系,但投诉人没有义务与执法部门交谈 or pursue prosecution. Having the evidence collected in this manner will help to keep 投诉人可选择的所有选项,但不要求投诉人选择任何选项 course of action. 收集证据可以帮助当局追捕罪犯 charges, should the Complainant decide later to exercise it.

申诉人:医院工作人员将收集证据,检查伤情和地址 怀孕的担忧和解决暴露于性传播的可能性 infections. 如果你在性侵后换过衣服,带上衣服 你在被性侵时穿的那件衣服带你去了医院, 卫生容器,如干净的纸质杂货袋或用干净的塑料布包裹 containers do not breathe, and may render evidence useless). If you have not changed 衣服,带一套换洗的衣服去医院,如果可能的话,因为他们 will likely keep the clothes you are wearing as evidence. You can take a support person 陪你去医院,他们可以陪你通过检查,如果你 want. Do not disturb the crime scene—leave all sheets, towels, etc. that may bear evidence for law enforcement to collect.


投诉人或被投诉人使用酒精和/或药物的情况不会减少 the responsibility of either party. On the other hand, alcohol and/or drug use is 可能影响投诉人的记忆,因此可能影响案件的结果 the complaint. 提起不当性行为投诉的人必须要么记住 所指称的ag体育或有充分的旁证、物证 and/or witnesses to prove their complaint. If the Complainant does not remember the 在指称ag体育的情况下,可能无法实施制裁 在没有进一步的确凿证据或信息的情况下对被申请人的指控. Use of alcohol and/or other drugs will not excuse sexual misconduct.

What should I do if I am uncertain about what happened?

如果你认为你经历过性行为不端,但不确定是否 这违反了学院的性行为不端政策,请联系标题 IX Coordinator or the Student Health & Wellness Center. They can help you to define and clarify the event(s), and advise you of your options.